Dan Gentle Re-Opens Foundry Doors
May 2021
After a 7 year break from casting, Dan Gentle has returned to the industry, re-launching his business as Dan Gentle Art Foundry, based at his farm in Goomalling.
"Dan Gentle Art Foundry is a small family business offering Full Service Art Casting not provided anywhere else in WA," describes Mr Gentle.
"My wife, Christy, and our daughters Isabella (18) and Indara (16) are fully involved in the running of the business, sometimes hands-on assisting with wax work and moulding, otherwise managing the admin, bookkeeping and our social media pages, which I am hopeless at. Give me a welder and a furnace and that's where I shine," he also quipped.
"Isabella and Indara are both very good artists in their own right and were selected for the Gifted & Talented Program in Visual Arts via the Education Department of WA. My aim is to train them in the Lost Wax Investment Casting process so that they may take over the foundry in the future," Mr Gentle said.
"I am enjoying the opportunity to work my creative skills again and interact with sculptors. If I have time, I may even pick up a piece of clay and start sculpting my own work again".
Dan Gentle Art Foundry has embraced social media, with pages on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, updating regularly with progress photos and videos.
"With COVID putting a strain on interstate movements, Western Australian artists should seek a quote from us as we are operating within the controlled border, reducing the risk of time delays and offering the ability to visit us on-site to view the progress of their work."

© 2021 Alisindi Pty Ltd
ABN 72 137 067 095